Thursday, September 9, 2010

Coca Cola - Love It Or Hate It?

So I'm curious as to how other people view Coca Cola, and pop (or soda for you non midwestern peeps) in general. I'm sure we've all heard the horror stories about insulin bursts and the like, but do we buy into that? Or, instead, do we say "screw it" and just drink pop anyway cause it's so good? I'm curious about how other people feel about this, and also, what's your favorite pop as well? I love Mountain Dew, especially the Voltage and the new Whiteout flavors.


  1. i used to love it but i've kept myself clean for a couple of months now

  2. i like coca cola, not to big on pepsi because its so sweet. haven't tried the whiteout flavors yet ill have to check it out.

  3. Supportin!

    Follow me bros.

  4. I used to drink it but now it just makes my teeth feel grimy.

  5. Use to say pop, but now I say soda. Like Coke better than Pepsi, but have cut down on it.

  6. Happy 9/11!

  7. hate the taste, like the stinging sensation at back of throat (Y)

  8. I like the company but I don't really like the taste of cola in general. Coke or Pepsi.
